Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Now, I understand that this isn't exactly a "News Story" but I would like to air out some grievances that I have with this monolithic social networking website. Personaly I will admit to having a Facebook profile page but that is only because of the lack of alternatives. Now onto business, I believe that the privacy settings are abmismal to say the least. While it is possible to edit what content other people can see when accessing your Facebook profile these settings are rather obscure in nature and are not at the forefront of the page as they should be so people with little web awareness can easily track which people can see what information. On top of this there is a gaping hole in your privacy that as of now allow 3rd party applications such as Farmville and Mafia Wars to access your personal Information, even the Information you have opted to withold from your actual friends. Now I understand that at the moment the fact that Facebook has more than half a Billion users means that most people you know have a Facebook profile and that not having a profile makes keeping in touch with your closest friends and relatives much more difficult, I am just trying to get people to think about jumping ship when a new, more privacy oriented social network opens up. Maybe Diaspora will be the solution to this social network cunundrum but we shall have to wait and see.

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